Overall Charts

Overall charts use all the available sessions to show progress over time and calculate overall metrics for your entire session history. These charts are available via buttons on the mini toolbar or when viewing session charts.

FTP Estimates


  • NEW in 2.0 shows critical power trend over time

  • NEW in 2.1 include color for each FTP proxy in the hover tool

  • NEW in 2.4 show Critical Power estimates from sessions with Empty Tank Efforts

  • NEW in 2.6 added tabs for cycling and running FTP Estimates


FTP Estimates for 5-, 8-, 20-, 30-min, 1-hour and max effort are calculated for each day in your history. Each estimate can be turned on or off and you may zoom to whatever time period you want within your session history.

Overall Chart FTP Estimates

The chart is split into estimates for FTP using average power and using effective power.


When weight is included in Athlete Journal then the toggle option for watts or w/kg will be shown.

Each chart shows:

  • each of the times (e.g. 5m, 8m, 20m, …) are time based proxies for approximating FTP

  • each proxy has a scale factor applied to the power output for that time period

  • each time proxy line (e.g. 5min, 8min…) represents the best estimate of FTP for that proxy in a six week moving window

  • the average line on the chart is the average of the time proxies

  • manual ftp entries (if any are above the estimated ftp value)

  • modeled critical power for each session

  • critical power calculated from empty tank efforts (on average power only)

The hover tooltip shows the details for each day:

  • date – date at mouse location

  • est.ftp – combined value based on the average from avg.power and the average from eff.power

  • average – this is the average of the FTP estimate from each time proxy for a specific power type (avg or eff)

  • cp / w’ – critical power and anaerobic work capacity

  • estimates:

    • color swatch corresponding the the line in the chart

    • value of the time proxy line for the current date (based on best effort in past 6 weeks)

    • in parentheses the value represents the FTP Estimates for the session on that day

    • time proxy label (e.g. 5m, 8m)


The est.ftp value in the hover is based on average and effective power and corresponds to what is shown on the session summary.


FTP Estimates for 10-, 20-, 30-min, 1-hour and max effort are calculated for each day in your history. In addition a time trial (20 min effort after ~10 min warmup) and a 9-min/3-min proxy are calculated. Each estimate can be turned on or off and you can zoom to any time period in your session history.

Training Load


  • NEW in 2.1.1 renamed Stress to Load

  • NEW in 2.3 include Aerobic Efficiency

  • NEW in 2.4.2 include Fitness Ramp Rate

  • NEW in 2.6 added support for running sessions

The Training Load chart displays athlete Fitness, Fatigue and Form for the entire available session history. Extra details such as load and kilojoules can be shown on the sub chart at the bottom.

Overall Chart Training Load with Sport Load


Training load for running sessions without power will be estimated when weight is present in Journal Metrics.

Ramp Rate

Ramp rate for training load.

Overall Chart Training Load Ramp Rate


Intensity by sport, aggregated per day.

Overall Chart Training Load Intensity

Estimated FTP

Estimate FTP per sport.

Overall Chart Training Load Estimated FTP


Kilojoules per day.

Overall Chart Training Load Kilojoules

Aerobic Efficiency

Aerobic Efficiency per sport, aggregated per day.

Overall Chart Training Load Aerobic Efficiency

Best Power (annual)


  • NEW in 2.6 added support for running sessions

The Best Power (annual) chart displays a power curve for each year in the athlete’s database. Use it to display power progress from year to year at different intervals.

Overall Chart Best Power Annual

Journal Metrics


NEW in 2.5 shows trends for most of the Athlete Journal Metrics. NEW in 2.6 added support for running metrics.

The Athlete Journal Metrics chart shows values entered into the Athlete Journal vs dates. The chart may show the following data if present in the database:


FTP, Illness and Injury, and Menstrual Cycle are shown on FTP Estimates and Training Load charts.