Release Notes
Add handling for temperature values that are out of range.
Ensure application launches into foreground.
Refresh underlying libraries.
Tweaks to license window, ensure messages can be fully displayed.
FTP Estimates Chart empty tank efforts are now split by sport.
Segment Chart now handles situation(s) where segment geometry is bogus.
Improvements to bulk import on Athlete Journal Metrics.
Training Plan FTP estimate is now correctly retrieved for Running.
Speed values on Segment Chart on Session Summary were showing in metres per second.
Improve route handling for Session Summary map.
Exclude wildly large speeds from running load calculation.
Updated TCX export format for compatibility with Garmin Connect.
Updated TCX export format to include RunCadence for Running sessions.
Fix retrieval of Anaerobic Work Capacity Athlete Metric.
Fix Total Seconds in TCX export format to be timer time (was elapsed).
Add support for Stryd Duo data (running).
Update Balance Charts to show Stryd Duo data (running).
Add Running Effectiveness to Session Summary (running).
Show distribution of Form Power Ratio on Session Summary (running).
Include Flight Ratio in Mechanics chart (running).
Provide additional metrics in Workout table (running).
Add filters for Running Effectiveness, Flight Time and Flight Time Ratio.
Added full support for Running with Power.
Date filter supports “season”, intended for use with Top / Bottom filters.
Show Ascent and Grade in Segment Overview.
In segment comparison include the summary value within the chart title.
New icons for sessions to represent sports, power bests, segment pr’s, and empty tank efforts.
Show full detailed icons within the Calendar.
Redesign session summary tiles to include line graphs.
Remove embedded PDF help document, help documentation is fully online.
Support an additional OMRON Blood Pressure file format.
Increase decimal places for Lap Start on Manage Laps window.
Improved error handling when segments from Strava do not match Chapeau sessions.
Add database update step to fill-in missing averages and maximums for session.
Add handling for how Karoo chooses to store smoothness data.
Ensure Segment Attempt History updates on unit change.
Improve reporting for stop times tooltip.
Reduce noise in cadence values when displayed in charts.
Added overall chart for Athlete Journal Metrics.
Embedded help document for offline access.
Updated zone boundaries for intensity (65%-105% for moderate).
Filter out manual and ignore activities from Strava.
Add hotkey to skip and turn off automatic downloads.
Dropped support for macOS Catalina.
Fix rounding issues on Training Load chart for improved reporting consistency.
Include Fitness Ramp Rate on Training Load chart.
Online help documentation now available, link via Help Menu.
Populate session max values if not provided by input file.
Improved handling of Session Summary resizing.
Rename Ride chart to Session chart.
Rename Ride Trends chart to Session Trends chart.
Improved handling of font scaling (Windows only).
Styling updates on Filter Sessions, Athlete Journal, and Equipment (Windows only).
Change initial app size to avoid cutting off session summary (Windows only).
Ensure scaled average powers are used in Monthly Summary.
Remove help icons from dialog title bars (Windows only).
Prevent empty (no data records) fit files from being imported.
Remove empty sessions (no data records).
Increase number of retries for sluggish Strava connections.
Immediately refresh summary chart on lap changes.
Update tool name reference in Edit Laps window.
Monthly Summary Calendar shows correct data but incorrect highlighting.
Calculate a session specific Critical Power on sessions where the tank was emptied.
Utilize empty tank effort Critical Power value for w balance on Ride chart.
Highlight empty tank efforts on session Ride chart.
Show empty tank effort Critical Power curve on Best Power chart.
Show empty tank effort Critical Power values on FTP Estimates chart.
Introduce new icon in session tree for empty tank efforts.
Add a Seiler inspired decoupling chart for heart rate reserve and power to Temperature chart.
Overhaul New Bests to show Bests for Speed, Power, Effective Power, Cadence, and Heart Rate.
Session Summary updated to highlight Bests for Speed, Power, Effective Power, Cadence, and Heart Rate.
Include additional intervals on the Session Summary bests table.
Improve Open Database performance.
Improve Segment matching performance.
Add attempt slider on Segment History for segments with more than 100 attempts.
Clean up tooltip Segment History chart.
Add new filter to find sessions with bests for Speed, Power, Cadence, and Heart Rate.
Add new filter to find empty tank efforts.
Tidy up Strava download dialog for Windows.
Show full suite of icons used in session tree on sessions in Calendar View.
Update icon for sessions where data has been excluded.
Retain current session when loading a Manual or Training Plan session.
Show New Bests and then open loading issues (if present) during import.
Fix tooltip for Critical Power and Anaerobic Work Capacity showed truncated Capacity values.
Add Move Time to Workout and Segment History tables.
Show core temperature zones background in summary charts.
Include core temperature zone names in hover tool tip.
Increase precision for core temperature in Athlete Journal.
Increase precision for Intensity on Manual Session.
Honor unit settings when setting default distance units in Manage Laps.
Update the default application size for Windows.
Show progress dialog during large session delete.
Implement retries for Strava connection and handle Strava site sluggishness.
Fatigue Resistance automatically calculated and shown on Best Power.
Temperature and Core Temperature (via CORE Sensor) charts.
Simple Session Filter from main window.
Filter on Temperature, Core Temperature, and Aerobic Efficiency.
Add core temperature to Athlete Journal (for CORE Sensor).
Include Altitude on Session Summary Chart (Ride) if session has climbing.
Increase precision for balance metrics on monthly summary.
Show color graduations for VAM in Segment Compare.
Include VAM summary in Workout Chart and Table.
Remove repeated x-axis on Workout Chart.
Simplify Workout Chart Table by removing columns for Speed and Cadence Zones.
Include session Aerobic Efficiency in Training Load Chart.
Enable Aerobic Efficiency on Heart Rate chart in Map.
Disable Segment Creation and Lap Editing on extremely short sessions.
Improve checks and messages for chart availability / data suitability.
Improve Strava dialog control sizing for Windows.
Add support for macOS Ventura and Windows 11 on ARM processor.
Drop macOS Mojave from supported versions, still runs just not supported.
Honor chart font size in “hinterval” stack chart.
Make FTP Estimate chart available after five or more sessions with power data.
Ensure Trend chart correctly handles missing data.
Aerobic Efficiency and Aerobic Decoupling Calculations.
Trend for Balance, Smoothness, and Torque Effectiveness.
Bulk Load, Delete, and Export for Athlete Journal Metrics.
VAM comparison for Segments.
Include 30 minutes in Session Summary bests table.
Export and Delete on Month Folder Honors current Filter.
Filter Intervals by Percent FTP.
Show Athlete Metrics on Calendar View.
Trigger refresh of Month Summary on change to Athlete Journal metrics.
Show Grade Overlay on Segment Map and Profile.
Add Tracking on Segment Map for Altitude / Map.
Ensure Segment Profile is always Generated.
Improve messaging during Segment Creation from Strava Segment.
Increase number of Segment Comparisons to 25.
Include date stamp for session in comparison chart title.
Show Mean Values for Balance Metrics on Per Zone Basis.
Improve symbology for w’balance to make lower bound more pronounced.
Improve handling for long session names in Navigation Bar.
Remove Window Menu (Platform specific).
Turn off tabbing into Map Windows.
Fix session reload on closing Athlete Journal when no changes made.
Remove phantom hover window on annual power chart.
Correct Trend indicators for Speed on Session Summary.
Fix possible incorrect Speed Categorization post unit toggle.
Add Resting Heart Rate to Athlete Journal Metrics.
Use Heart Rate Reserve for heart rate Zones.
Improve auto-scaling for estimated FTP on Training Load chart.
Improve auto-scaling for altitude of flat segments in Segment Explorer.
Show Max Heart Rate and FTP on Zones Chart.
Show Zone Boundaries on Zone label tooltip for Zones Chart tables.
Add Critical Power Calculator to Athlete Journal.
Remember last viewed metric in Athlete Journal.
Ensure chart refresh on change of athlete metrics.
Rename stress to load throughout the application.
Show current Segment Name in Segment Explorer window title.
Add calories calculation to the Manual Session window.
Show average and maximum VAM on Session and Monthly Summary (speed tooltip).
Implement filtering on average and maximum VAM.
Show date for session in tooltip on navigation bar.
Correct zone labels and attempt numbering in Segment Compare hover tool.
Ensure session renames are reflected in segment charts and tree view.
Fix issue related to time weighted averaging for session trends.
Add Power Bests to Month Summary.
Create Laps from Distance, Duration, Stops, or manually (add, delete, and move).
Show Form, Fatigue, Fitness, and classifier on Session Summary.
Enable choice of Chart to show on Session Summary.
Include VAM in Altitude Charts, Summary, and Hover Tool.
Show Segment Overlay in Session Summary and Map when PR Occurs.
Include a Segment selection option on Ride, Balance, and Map Charts.
Show Elevation Profile for Segment in Segment Explorer.
Add support for Blood Pressure and Heart Rate and bulk load.
Update Speed Summary to Show Speed and VAM.
Change Altitude Summary to show Elevation Gain and Average Gradient.
Allow for automatic activity download from Strava on start-up.
Allow Session Pins to be styled by Load.
Increased overall performance (platform dependent).
Improve performance of FTP Estimate Chart.
Native support for Apple Silicon.
Add Laps Controls to Map, same as Ride Chart capabilities.
Add Summary Controls to Map, same as Ride Chart capabilities.
Show stops on map as a layer and include stop time in Hover Tool.
Include 30 minute avg and eff power on Map.
Update Session Segment Chart on Match of new Segment.
Improve Balance chart by showing L/R percentages on axes.
Include values from Balance Moving Averages in Hover Tool.
Updates to Hover Tool Styling including Color Swatches for Trend lines.
Improve readability of Hover Tools by consolidated related items.
Remove 50 sessions limit in trial version.
Improve performance of Draw Areas dialog initial open.
Change Heart Rate to Max Heart Rate in Athlete Journal.
Filter dialog shows previous segment name post segment rename.
Return to Getting Started when database is empty.
Automatically calculate Critical Power (cp), Anaerobic Work Capacity (w’), and Max Power (p max).
Calculate and visualize w’ balance on Ride Chart for average and combined cp and w’.
Track progression in Critical Power (cp) alongside FTP on the FTP Estimates chart.
Added toggleable overlay of w’ balance on the Map for sessions with Power data.
Show current Critical Power curve on Best Power charts.
New Critical Power Calculator tool, calculate Critical Power from historical data or manually enter values.
Athlete Journal can store calculated or manually entered Critical Power (cp) and Anaerobic Work Capacity (w’).
Added filters for Critical Power, Anaerobic Work Capacity, Speed, and Balance Metrics.
New Month Summary View that rolls up metrics and generates statistics and shows session routes.
Month Summary View: Calendar Choropleth for visualizing highs and lows of various metrics.
Redesigned Session Summary to show more metrics and results.
Show Time in Zone for Power, Heart Rate, Cadence and Speed as part of Session Summary.
Allow font size to be adjusted for charts, chart tables, and tooltips.
Revamped chart toggle buttons to include interactive summary values.
On Ride and Balance charts, show the time and distance for the zoomed in section.
Allow sessions to be excluded (deemed invalid) based Speed, Power, and/or Heart Rate.
Added support for fit files that are missing distance and speed values.
Automatically backup database prior to upgrade.
Now supported on Windows 11.
Show Balance and Critical Power metrics on Session Summary.
Add heart rate to Session Summary table of bests.
Improve readability for trend metrics.
Use abbreviated names for buttons and charts.
Restyle toggle buttons and range sliders.
Overall performance improvements to chart creation time.
Improved performance of chart interactive summaries.
Significant performance improvement for Segment Comparison.
Remove axis labels where descriptions were redundant.
Added ability to export TCX and CSV files for a month.
Updated context menu item names for consistency.
Only show Segment Creation on Sessions with GPS coordinates.
Update usages of time and duration for consistency across charts.
Updated look and feel on dialogs for better symmetry on Windows and macOS.
Honor sorting setting for segments on first open of Segment Explorer.
Ensure activity time within TCX export is based on UTC.
Correct cadence bests to remove zeros from summary.
Wheel Zoom on Balance charts should be constrained to width.
Colorize Session Pins based on Bests (original), RPE, or Workout Type.
New Repeatability chart, shows decline of intervals / efforts over session.
Add support for fit files containing Combined Pedal Smoothness values.
Performance improvements for application start-up and database open.
Option to allow Invalid Sessions to be included in Filter results.
Reduce noise in Balance data, remove outliers during visualization.
Automatically assign RPE based on intensity of the session.
Updates to License dialog layout and make Product Key copyable.
Minor tweaks to various dialogs for improved look and feel on Windows.
New application icons on macOS and Windows.
Align secondary time axis on “hinterval” stack chart with distance axis.
Fixed issue where application failed to launch for expired trials.
Fixed issue with license activation and expiration dialogs.
Import workouts from ERG or MRC files to build training plans.
Added ability to filter sessions by Geographic Area.
Athlete menstrual cycle tracking with visualization on FTP Estimates and Training Load charts.
Updated colors for Illness and Injury on FTP Estimates and Training Load charts.
User experience updates to segment filtering in the Segment Explorer.
Ensure items on Calendar View are ordered by time of day.
Show progress dialog for actions that may take a moment or two.
Added option to retain Strava activity name or use a Chapeau generated session name.
Added initial support for macOS Monterey.
Fixed occasional encoding error when importing Golden Cheetah files.
Aligned Average and Effective Power Zones charts to have same range.
Improved representation of Effective Power on Ride, Best Power (Hintervals), and Segment Comparison charts.
Fixed summary statistics for Effective Power on Workout chart.
Fixed crash associated with Google Login on Strava Connection
Fixed issue with ride files that log at variable intervals.
Addressed a windows specific issue with launching the application.
Added link to documentation in Help Menu.
Fixed an issue associated with loading non-standard files.
Added Segment Chart for each session displaying segment attempt details
Ability to create a Strava Segment from a Chapeau Segment
Enabled segment filtering and ordering in the Segment Explorer
Added Segment PR star to the session tree
Athlete injury and illness logging
New session filters for Segment PR, Attempt, and Count
Include athlete injury and illness indicators on Training Load and FTP Estimates charts
Use Athlete Settings for Heart Rate validation
Added weekly climbing summary to the calendar
Session validity toggle now included in right click
Added additional details to the Training Load chart tooltips
Reduced segment matching sensitivity
Handle special case causing error in Balance Chart
Overall chart showing annual best power curves
Added time period selection to all overall charts
Kilojoules bar chart on the bottom of Fitness chart
Session kilojoules added to summary page
Filter sessions by kilojoules
Balance by Zone added to the balance charts
Ability to delete all sessions in a month or a year
Added Check for Update capabilities
Included smoothed balance data on balance duration chart
Added tooltips on zones table showing time above and below zone
Fixed display issue for some left right balance data
Handle bad coordinate edge case with Golden Cheetah exports
Account for alternative lap storage in some fit files
Balance, pedal smoothness, and torque effectiveness charts
Athlete metrics journaling, including ftp, weight and max heart rate
Ability to display in W/kg on the bests charts, FTP Estimates, etc.
Ability to add equipment and assign to each session
Assign RPE, Ride Type and Workout Type to any session
Golden Cheetah export files are now supported
Laps slider can be toggled to allow for dual ended lap definition
Ride and Balance chart components can be added or removed
Added “hintervals” stack chart to bests to demonstrate when bests happened
Added smoothed power / speed chart to bests to visualize ride trends
Incorporating manually added FTP estimates into calculations and charts
Added additional filters for Workout Type, Ride Type, Lap Count, Min/Max Grade and more
Added filters to check for presence of Balance Metrics, Power, Cadence, Heart Rate and more
Disable charts that are not available due to data requirements
Color change to bronze medal to help discriminate from gold
Including feedback when a session is marked invalid during loading
Mouse position indicator added to all charts
Added summary details to the overall charts
Auto-calculate grade during import
Toggle whether distance or duration based chart will be displayed first
Enhanced feedback when file does not load due to overlap
Addressed edge cases in distance calculations
Handled special timezones causing issue
Added corrective step during loading for cafe time
Download activities directly from Strava into Chapeau
Added ability to filter for Sessions with Bests, Laps, Power, Cadence, Segments, by Descent and by File Type
Improved the style and readability of the Training Load Chart
Better messaging on bad or overlapping files during loading
Refined lap functionality on the Ride Chart
Create Segments from sessions.
Report history of segment attempts with detailed data summary and rankings by time
Auto-match new sessions with segments and match historical rides
Compare segment attempts in full detail with side-by-side charts for speed, power, and heart rate
Added ability to extend trial version
Show a workout overview or ride overview if no GPS coordinates in session
Session history summary, hover tip added to chapeau database icon to show summary of riding by year
Added grade, heart rate, and effective power as overlays on the map
Calculate grade if not present from imported data file
Improved performance of sliding summaries on ride charts
Re-styled the ride chart summaries
Improve handling of speed values when calculating summaries
Consolidated map legends and added new overlays
Updated the power bests colors on the map to match those used on FTP Estimate chart
Speed ups for map display and interaction
Added support for data files that use irregularly spaced timestamps and / or frequency greater than 1 second
Added support for problematic GPX and TCX files where XML header was malformed
Added getting started instructions for bulk download of your data from common platforms
Heart rate summaries were including 0’s as reported by various devices, if your heart rate is reporting 0 …
On toggling validity of a session pause momentarily to trigger updates to affected charts and statistics
Addressed issue with some TCX files that had unexpected timestamp formats
Addressed edge case where an inconsistency could occur in the display of effective power